
Air Quality Monitoring

This project’s aim is to color each of the 23 districts of Vienna with a color regarding it’s curent Air Quality Index (AQI). Unfortunately, in some districts there is no corresponding metering station to record air quality data. That’s why they are colored white.

Screenshot of the project Air Quality Index

It can be accessed here:
Note that it may take up to 40 seconds to load the data from remote servers and to process them.

This project has been realized by the students Madalina Borota and Radu Lepadatu in January 2023 as part of the course Data Ethics and Open Data at the UAS Technikum Wien. This course is part of the project IoCEST – Internationalisation of the Curricula in Engineering, Environmental, Smart Cities and Sport Technologies which has been funded by the City of Vienna.

Logo of the City of Vienna


World Air Quality (Index): Air Pollution in Austria. [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 25.1.23).