
Lunar Landings

A lot of us as children dream to be astronauts and wonder what it would be like to travel in a spaceship. To preserve this passion for exploration in children and adults, we should strive to learn more about the missions on the moon carried out by many different countries. The interactive map includes data about both anthropogenic objects on the moon — such as human-made artifacts — and landing sites, covering natural events, rovers, and human missions. This provides insightful information for enthusiasts of all ages.

Screenshot of the project Lunar Landings

The project can be accessed here:

This project has been realized by the students Makedonka Vasileva and Daniela Nikolovska in January 2024 as part of the course Data Ethics and Open Data at the UAS Technikum Wien as part of the StudyATHome hub. This course is also part of the project IoCEST – Internationalisation of the Curricula in Engineering, Environmental, Smart Cities and Sport Technologies which has been funded by the City of Vienna.

Logo of the City of Vienna


– Anthopogenic Objects on the moon – Obtained from and then tranformed to GeoJSON using OSGeo4W
– Lunar Landing Sites